birthday this year

My birthday, the actual day this year, was quite chill. The big present was that we got Fumiko set up on a medical plan that saved 450 a month.  That's a huge financial present.  I went to yoga.  The instructor said happy birthday, it was a new person, so the database must show when someone is having a birthday.  I know that some times we sing happy birthday to someone while doing a plank.  He didn't make us do that.
The day after my birthday, I went dancing and had my birthday dance.  It was a small group of people so I danced with almost everyone. 
I don't feel any older.  I am just a day older than yesterday.  I have one year more of experience.  I had a lot of experiences this year.  I hope I don't feel any older next year, and that I have a full year of new experiences.

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