fumiko dinner

Fumiko made dinner tonight.  She bought some fish and vegetables at the red apple prairie market. She said, it was only a hundred dollars for a big bag of groceries.  I told her that when we lived in Maine my father was surprised when the average cost is a bag of groceries was five dollars.  As he was a grocery clerk when he was in college he remembered when it was a lot less than five dollars.  My mother always said but we by better food and it cost more.  I think by better she means meat.  Eating meat was expensive.  Fresh veggies were really only available in Maine during the summer months.  When we moved to Florida my mother was so happy to have fresh fruit in the winter months.  

I have spent a lot of time with fumiko today just hanging out. It is one of those things that we do. She talks about whatever comes into her head.  The topics range from her text trip to Japan, to what her friends told her, to what she had to eat and what she is going to eat.  When there is a time of silence, she is either doing a Sudoku or taking a nap. I am either looking at the Internet, doing some duo, reading the text book on clinical massage, or wri whatever comes into this brain of mine. It is fun just hanging out.  So many years we spent working for the time to rest.  I think we have found it. 

 I am not particularly interested in doing much with property management    I want to exercise, learn and hang out.

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