It is a beautiful day today

It is a beautiful day today.  I feel the spring sun warming my bare feet.  I am thankful for being well and alive.  I feel a sense of conflict within myself.  I go to Pilates, and do an incredible workout that is something that I did.  I come home and an Airbnb guest is complaining that because they have found dead spiders under the bed and on the floor the room was not cleaned. Then they have time to watch big spiders find a way in a break in the weather stripping of the door.  They want a refund.  I don't know how many times I have stayed somewhere that something was not cleaned or a spider came by or something was not quite right.  I find those things the excited of travel. Airbnb has made people think that travel is something better than staying at home.  No home is cleaner than my unit, but if a spider dies it is the cleaners fault.  It is the season for spiders,  we don't have 🦟 in Seattle because we have spiders and other creatures that eat them.  I think I am going to put a disclosure that says live and dead spiders are know to have been seen in the unit, but that can be seen at the time of cleaning are removed.  If you are afraid of spiders please book somewhere else.
  Enough of this. I am going for a walk.

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