August 10 2024 Swing Dance at Swing It

It was a great night dancing at Swing it.  The Band San Lyon from San Francisco was excellent.  The three women singing reminded me the Blue Dolls.  I got to dance with the French bass player, but in this picture she was playing violin.   I liked this night dancing as each person I danced with did something different.  This usually happens at swing it, as there is usually a lot of one time people dropping in to dance.  It is really enjoyable to figure out what is the most appropriate dance with someone.  Someone asked me if I would do shag.  I said I don't like it, but I ended up doing a lot of shag steps, because the music was fast, and the follow wanted to dance shag.  Afterwards, she said I dance shag, and she will dance it with me in the future. I said, I dance, and I used dance steps.  I hate it when someone wants to dictate what the dance will be.  Do you dance balboa? No,  I dance balboa steps, and I dance.  I dance to what the music says to dance.  Those events that everyone dances one style really not my kind of dance. Or the dance where everyone dances with the same people all the time.  Boring. 

Earlier in the day I practiced yoga twice.  Once at 630 am and once at 11. 

Then after lunch work cleaning up the yards in Rainier Beach.  

It was a full day of activity. 


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