August 21 2024 HiddenGrove, Sechelt BC

Waterfront park and pier in Sechelt BC
The hidden grove walking routes 
Ramen place 
In the bathroom, the orginal baseballl stadiums
The hidden grove  burned out tree
An old couple.   It is interesting that we are getting older.  I can see the age in my face.  Fumiko still looks young, but she is aging in her actions and body movements.  I will consider myself old at some point in my life, but I am not ready to call my sell old,  Maybe in a couple of years. 
Gibsons history museum.  A submersible. 
Museum notice about Japanese males. 
Fumiko at the Happy Thai resturant 
At the museum 
Morse code 
Molly's Reach is the restaurant in a popular Canadian show the  beach combers.  I never saw this show before. 

 Nice rocky beach 

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