August 3 2024 sci Fi dream

First dream since I got back from Bali.  Nice story. 

The future of humanity is in space.  

Capitalism voracious need to expand and exploit out Borg's the Borg in the race through the universe.

One of early first expedition to Mars may have been one of many failures on the way of setting up an independent Mars society, but a lucky brash survivor create a do not take yourself too seriously attitude that eventually lasts until the forces of exhaustion and entropy slows capitalism to the tottering old man with too much good stuff in his garage.

This story is how the brash man who makes his way into space x facility going to Mars , takes Elon musk fried egg as he is walking by the lunch counter amid protests from wait staff
  It I just a fried egg he remarks and finds his way into a shuttle of the passengers to mars. There is an empty place and he just takes it because it is there. He finds himself traveling to Mars as the software engineer in charge of voice commands and decides that all voices in the computer will talk like they are from a 1970 Folgers coffee commercial where everything is good to the last drop. Upon landing on Mars there is a miss hap which causes the vessel to crash on Mars which at this time already has a sizable community. Everyone on the ship dies except this interloper. He continue to use his slightly off character and misplaced identity to become a first mover in Mars society. Essentially claiming ownership of all the contents included in the transport as his personal belonging or as the heir of all his fallen crew mates. His use of capitalism to barter and trade the contents of the ship leads him to create a private empire based upon knowledge of things that will keep him alive and to extend his life. A million years later, only a small shred of the person who left that day exists in forms of technology that preserves his philosophy of don't take yourself too seriously and to enjoy life to the last drop.

I wake up now.. it was an interesting dream.   I am not trying to take myself too seriously.  I am trying to live life to the last drop.

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