November 4 2024 Start of some work

Tenant left fire alarm off of the ceiling
Stove top messed up 
More bad example of the the property manager messing up.  They charged me a lot of money to replace this tub surround, but I don't think they did.  If they did it was a very bad job.  The complaint was that there was a water leak in the wall and there was mold.  I was traveling, and the property manger asked me what I thought it might be. I suggested that it could be the valve and the tub surround. A couple of months after both tenants died, I was able to inspect the work. Water leak was still there, from the kitchen sink, and it runied the floor and sheet rock, it was not corrected.  Basically the property manager accepted the report of the bad contractor and lied to me about the problem being solved 
Broken refrigerator . 
Old tub and surround removed today at  9278.  New one installed by the end of the day.  The next day was for 9275 


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