Monday, brings more work on the apartments. Cleaning leaves, touch up paint. I also continued on my real estate continuing education classes. Choir practice and then off to Whidbey.
On Monday I went for a walk, then Pilates, then to replace the faucet, unclog a sink, replace a switch, and then go to the Norweigen men's choir. As maintenance projects go I need return as the shut off valve is broken and it causes reduced pressure to the sink. I ordered the part and said I would return. It was the board meeting at the choir. I had not completed all the things I needed to do. I have to get them done this week. A letter, minutes. I would also like to put together a short summary of the cod fish dinner. I think it will be important to have for next year. We need to get the date on the calendar for events, and to put them out on the website. People put events on the calendar early. We are singing on Wednesday for a erlings brother' celebration of life. That will be interesting. We practiced a couple of songs
Two years ago I agreed to sell a lot so a house could be built. The builder had to get permits and go through a reason use permit process. I was by there this week and the notice sign was installed. I hope it will start this year. I went to the property because the tenants of the house next to it had an electrical problem.
Choir concerts. This last weekend was busy with two concerts with the magnolia chorale. On Saturday evening there was a nice gala with food and drinks. On Sunday we sang at the ascension Lutheran Church for an afternoon concert. Singing in the chorale is nice. After I went to the transfer station to drop off an old mattress that the tenants left behind. When I was on my way home I got a call about water dripping from the ceiling. After dinner I went to check it out. It turns out the kitchen faucet was leaking. I said I would return the next day to replace it. After I went dancing at Century. It was a busy Sunday