
Showing posts with the label cats

Cats in Istanbul are the new Sultans.

Cats in Istanbul are the new  Sultans.  They do what they want, when they want.  They are tough, yet refined.  Everyone takes care of them, and they expect it.  This particularly cat said to me, I am the Sultan. You must pet me.  I might bite or scratch you even if I like you. This sultan is on parade. This is the sultan's Haram. Ok,  the sultan's fell from power had to sell their belongings, and got a job in a store.  They still only do sales work. What do you want?

Istanbul Cat's and vegetables breakfast

People mentioned that cats are common in Istanbul. I didn't realize how much.  Everywhere I go I see cats, and I have only been here 12 hours and seen many cats.  This one is patsy.   I had breakfast at the hotel.  It was very tasty.  A lot of vegetables. I have booked several tours and events through the hotel.  It should be interesting.