
Showing posts with the label hot air balloon rides

awake my darling

Awake awake my darling, and open your blue eyes, for faintly in the eastern sky the early light of dawn is breaking. I am in the shuttle taking us to morning hot air balloon.  The idea is to be aloft when the sun comes up.  The last couple to be picked up were late.  As we are driving to the balloon take off area, I saw a little light in the eastern sky.  For some reason I thought of this song I sang in choir while at Seattle University.  I always thought it was beautiful.  When I had a blue eyed girl friend who had a hard time waking in the morning I could sing it.  It would make me smile.  I had not thought of this song for along time.  At first only the words awake awake my darling came to mind, and not the tune,but eventually it all came back, together with other memories of that time.  One of the people who was late coming to their pick up time is concerned that we will miss the sunrise in the balloon. Hey thanks buddy. Someone needs to sing you a little song in the mo