
Showing posts with the label no sugar

Hurting teeth, I am trying no added sugar

I went to a dentist today. I have been having sensitive teeth.  The filling look fine he said.  It is probably due to recession of the gums and wear at the bottom of the tooth.  It is difficult for me to eat sweet things.  I guess I will stop eating sweet things for a while.  It would probably help me lose weight and would be more healthy.  When I was twenty I stopped eating anything with added sugar.  I went about three months before I had to have a pastry.  Let's see how long I can do it now. Today is day one of my self challenge.  It helps that my teeth hurt all the time. It is a good reminder.  It is funny that two dentists say nothing is wrong, but I still have pain.  Good things sometime bring better results later. Ok. I hope I can stick it out three months.