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hagia sophia

I have wanted to visit hagia sophia since I twenty years old.  There are still of lot of things I wanted to do when I twenty.  O hope I don't get to the end of it before I die. The picture here represent something I didn't know before visiting. The following picture is of the Pilar's.  They are one piece of very  beautiful of stone. Great care was made to mine craft, and then to protect them while they built the church struck above it.  I don't know how many times I have not protected something while working on something above and had to redo it.  Of course the Roman and greeks had quite of bit of experience with massive stone working. This pick is of the massive pillar that partially holds up the weight all the way to the top. I am really impressed with the stone facing of the pilar. I am assuming that it is brick and stone inside. I have probably seen a picture similar to this one, but what stuck me was the massive second floor galleries.  The