
Showing posts with the label dance

Intensity of desire to succeed

Intensity of desire to succeed, and the willingness to put the hard work into achievement.  I went to Salsa Con Todo for the dance.  They had a pro mix and match contest. Evie has been entering these contests for quite a long time. She has always wanted to get to the finals.  Tonight she made it.  I really think it has been the intensity of her desire and work on practice that made the difference. She is always going to practice.  She takes lessons and trays to incorporate what she learns.  She has a unique style of dance that some people who dance with her do not like, or more than likely they don't understand. She even said  something to me night about the guys who do not dance with her, and it made me smile. It was crass enough  that  I would not repeate it without her permission, but it was kinda of true statement an about one aspect of the  dance community that I don't take part in as well.  On the flip side I am so glad that she has not tried to change the way