
Showing posts with the label lava tubes

Signs of the times

Signs often have a meaning.  I found some interesting signs today.  The following is not really a sign, but it is.  On the back of a mirror on a white Chevy Tahoe, from which two big Asian women got out and went into the store.  I snapped this picture as I thought it describes the two women's attitudes completely. I keep seeing signs that have both Hawaiian and English written.   This sign mixes both English and Hawaiian on the same sentence. It seems very cool what's to say it. Mahalo for your kokua. This sign seems to give a very big warning, but there is no restrictions on access, except stay in the path, or you might die.. Again, don't walk here. Make sure the Japanese understand.  Usually for a sign to be made, someone must have done the wrong thing. In this case it was probably some drunk Japanese newly married couple wanting a selfie on the steam vents.. Going into the lava tube cave, you had to agree to ent