
Showing posts with the label jumpin at Istanbul

Jumpin at Istanbul


sugar push class

Todays class was about the sugar push.  Below is me with the teachers. Huyn Jung and Florent. The class starts off with a discussion about sugar pushes. They showed a simple version and then had every one do it.  A couple of my followers said I was doing it wrong.  I was doing it as they showed to do, not as I had been told before.  I am guilty of not listening and doing the why I do it, but I never tell a follow what to do.  That's the teachers job.  The idea is for the lead to rock back a little so the follower comes.  What happens is the follower sometimes comes in with out any direction, which makes the connection weak. The exercise to fix this was to do the movement of the six count sugar push separated.  This creates a nice visual between the lead and follow. Then we connect hands and practice the sugar push connected hands.  Then we did a six count sugar push moving to an angle with body.   Straight out tension  Straight in compression