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ocean Island hostel

Breakfast at the ocean Island hostel.  I had my frozen waffles with peanut tahini oatmeal, blueberries, pears, strawberry jam,and two eggs.  Across from me are a young Asian and his slightly older sister.  They are watching the tv that has square pants bob. The TV doesn't have sound but words on the screen.  The children are laughing so they must be following the dialogue.  I think they are Chinese.  Grand ma is facing them and is giving herself a vigorous head rub. St first  I thought she was scratching for lice, but I realized she was systematically rubbing her head.  The couple in the left corner speak French.  The were hugging and kissing in the kitchen a few minutes ago.  They are having a conversation over their breakfast.  The other couple speaks English  but culturely different. He asked the woman if she wanted whitener for her coffee.  She asked what it was.  He said he the didn't know but it makes the coffee white.  They are both having a conversation.  The Chinese fa