
Showing posts with the label hair implants

Random Observations in Turkey.

At breakfast this morning there were two American men who looked like they had hair transplant surgery.  Half their heads were covered in gauze.  I have lost a lot of hair. I wear a hat to keep my head warm. Because I don't have much hair.  I did a quick search, and there are a lot of places that do one day hair implant surgery.  I filled out a request form to see how they will reply.  They replied and I have to send some pictures and complete a medica history. My hair is a bit unmanageable, so I took a walk to look for a barber.  I was going to have all my hair cut off.  The barber I went to just trimmed my hair. I guess he didn't want to make a error and cut off two much.  I have had experience in the states where the barber just cuts everything.  Maybe because I am old man the barber knows it may not grow back so quickly. Turkish toilets.  At the last hotel I saw the knob on the wall and the silver nib in the toilet.  I didn't have a clue what it was. At this