
Showing posts with the label construction methods

Architecture and construction methods in Istanbul a

Architecture, contrasts in Istanbul This well preserved building, which looks like is being used as a school has these two incredible blue this century buildings behind itm I am not say that religion is dying but the modern age let's the old small local mosques remain but that is about all.  The view from here of the Bosporus is nice. The retaining walls of the past have to be preserved and they have to function to prevent failure in an earthquake event.  In this construction site I stuck my head in the gate,I could see the layers of walls.  I am assuming they are in a process to get permits to build a large modi building on the property  and in front of the old walls. On a street in the old part of town, there are old buildings that still standing but in structurly bad shape.  They have built these metal frames to hold the facade and trays above the sidewalk to collect falling parts if parts do fall. This building just has a wall alo