
Showing posts with the label swing dancing

August 10 2024 Swing Dance at Swing It

It was a great night dancing at Swing it.  The Band San Lyon from San Francisco was excellent.  The three women singing reminded me the Blue Dolls.  I got to dance with the French bass player, but in this picture she was playing violin.   I liked this night dancing as each person I danced with did something different.  This usually happens at swing it, as there is usually a lot of one time people dropping in to dance.  It is really enjoyable to figure out what is the most appropriate dance with someone.  Someone asked me if I would do shag.  I said I don't like it, but I ended up doing a lot of shag steps, because the music was fast, and the follow wanted to dance shag.  Afterwards, she said I dance shag, and she will dance it with me in the future. I said, I dance, and I used dance steps.  I hate it when someone wants to dictate what the dance will be.  Do you dance balboa? No,  I dance balboa steps, and I dance.  I dance to what the music says to dance.  Those events that everyon

Wednesday night dance in Seattle

Swing it dance. It was Mark's birthday. Jenny was playing in the Cascade Swing orchestra.  There were a lot of people there in attendance.  It was a good night of dancing.

Jumpin at Istanbul, The start, and class wit Nils and Bianca.

Jumpin at Istanbul 2024. This was the real purpose I decided to come to Turkey, that and I have always wanted to see Istanbul. Yesterday, I got to the hotel on the Asia side of Istanbul. I checked-in,  took a little nap and headed over to the welcome classes.  The Lindy hop theme class/ welcome  dance was fun. It was a nice way to meet other dancers.  The class was large enough that there was only one rotation of dancers.   I met Sabine and her friend Yvon from Berlin.  I had met Sabine at Herräng dance camp last summer.  I also saw Nissa from Ankara who I also met last year in Herräng. It was fun seeing them again.  After the classes I saw the Seattle dancers sitting  at a table.  Five people from our home scene.  That is nice. The class from Nils and Bianca covered some exercises to make a better connection between partners.  It starts off with a dance.  Then we dance again with the idea that there is a table between the partners.  It can be a big table or a small table,