
Showing posts with the label dreamscapes

Dream and Dreamscapes

 I don't have a picture of my dreams to share. I have an album of mental snapshots of Dreamscapes.  Places my mind has created.  Places that I am familiar with, even though they may not make sense in the real world.   Like a room in the top story of an old house that is huge, and contains a large wooden ball that has a circular stair starting in a hatch at the bottom ending in a room at the top. With curved ceiling and windows that look out to windows of the room that it is within.   Another not so favorite dreamscape is the high desert cave looking out over a desert valley, where I exist as a chattering skeleton. School dreamscape look like open college campuses with hard lines to buildings, large parking lots with letters and numbers identifing where I am.  Usually there is a study hall, where I am working on something that I can't figure out.  Sometimes it is an art studio where I am crazy over drawing with black charcoal.  The images are always something i try to recreate i