
August 23 2024 Back home. Yoga, yard work, and dance

Early morning yoga was a good way to start the day.  Then work on my landscape projects.  Then hot pilaties.  The evening dance at savoy and then back home.  I took part in the short and sultry dance with Evie.  Eventually I will get a video and I will posit it here. 

August 22 2024 Seshelt back to Seattle

  Concert in Mt Vernon.  Old american music and older club dancers moving their bodies to the music. In a rest area along the way home Good Twain restaurant                                                                                                                                       It was very spicy  The sweet green tea was delight full  The ferry ride home  At the ferry dock  Bliss cafe in Gibsons,  One last coffee for the road.

August 21 2024 HiddenGrove, Sechelt BC

Waterfront park and pier in Sechelt BC The hidden grove walking routes  Ramen place  Ramen  In the bathroom, the orginal baseballl stadiums The hidden grove  burned out tree An old couple.   It is interesting that we are getting older.  I can see the age in my face.  Fumiko still looks young, but she is aging in her actions and body movements.  I will consider myself old at some point in my life, but I am not ready to call my sell old,  Maybe in a couple of years.  Gibsons history museum.  A submersible.  Museum notice about Japanese males.  Fumiko at the Happy Thai resturant  At the museum  Morse code  Molly's Reach is the restaurant in a popular Canadian show the  beach combers.  I never saw this show before.   Nice rocky beach 

August 20 2024 Sechelt BC

The beach at Schelt BC  Selfie on the beach  What a big lunch at Joes place on the beach  Brookman Park was a great place to take a walk We saw a river otter poop.  We could see the remains of what he ate.   Here is the river otter.  

August 19 2024 Gibsons BC

  Indian food in a town near Vancouver.  Nice spicy red curry and nan Walk along Gibsons waterfront walk way  Manhole cover in Gibsons BC  The Gibsons landing Inn.  A nice place for a couple of days stay.  The ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Langdale and the sunshine coast. The sun was not shinning today, 

August 18 2024 Whidbey Island wood grilling

More wood grilling.  This time steak, potato and mushrooms.   Nice looking grill  Fumiko at wine tasting.    

August 17 2024, lightning on the ferry

  Before the lightning.   It was almost  like day light when the lightning struck.