June 18 2024 dreams matter

For the last week the dreams I have had were very disjointed.  They involved travel but they jumped around.  Over the last week my resting heart rate was higher than usual, and my sleep was not restful.  It could be because of jetlagged condition, or because of sickness like COVID.  I woke up today and the dreams are back.  Disturbing in their own way as they are real places with sounds smells emotions and interactions with people.  They often tell a story or give me some directions.  The first dream of the night I was living in an apartment like students housing.  Other people's where coming and we were going out someplace.  I was not paying attention to the location because we always go together to the same place.  Walk out take a train.  I left just before the others. I was walking along the tram line to the station when I try to cross the road.  I guess u didn't make it.  I lost them but I was then at a ferry dock with two old passenger ferries.  The people were lined up on either side waiting for it to leave. I ask where it was going. A man said bath.  I then realized I must be dead and these two ferries where the ones taking people to the after life.  Some how I didn't pay attention back to there at the street corner and now I am dead.  I have to make a decision which ferry to take.  I don't have a travel bag and I don't know the schedule.  I didn't really want to get on.  I just want to meet my friends.  I  turned around from the sick with the ferries and their solom passengers.  I will be more careful and pay attention to what people are saying.  At that point I woke up.  I received the lesson.  

After peeing I went back to sleep.  I slept well.  I had another opportunity for learning.  I was back in the dormitory place but it was in a different sunnier location.  It was dry and seemed like it was summer.  Again I was going out with some people.  One of the people wanted to have the key