
Showing posts from July, 2024

July 3 2024 trees trimmed at 9215

Remember to call the guy directly for faster service 

July 10 2024 day three massage school

Outside at bisa Dinner at the beach 

July 10 2024, Passed Balinese Massage course, Ramen at Ramen Crazy

Gusti and I posing for my first certificate.      Celebrating passing with some Japanese Ramen at Ramen Crazy.  The owners speak Japanese, and are from Bali.  It is good speaking a bit of Japanese.  Celebration noodle  After five days of classes, six hours a day, and several hours studying, and another couple of hours getting Balinese massages, and another couple hours each day doing yoga, I passed the final course exam. 

July 3 2024, whidbey island Afro Cuban Band Gonsango

Seattle Afro Cuban playing in coupeville  Fumiko at the pier   Sunset in the evening 

June 30 2024, breath hot yoga

It is going to be a while before I come back here.  

June 29 2024, Sängerfest 2024

sangerfest 2024 Tacoma .  I was singing next to Lyle, a first tenor who wrote one of the songs we were singing.  I am second tenor and I had to make sure I kept to my part instead of following the first tenors. 

June 28 2024, Sängerfest

The afterglow dinner.  We sang a special arrange song for John.   

June 27 2024, tree to be trimmed

This tree is hanging over the building.  As the roof was a couple of years old, I didn't want it to be damaged by this tree.  

June 23 2024, Thai food

Thai food 

June 23 2024, A fun packed Sunday, Dancing

Norwegian ladies concert. Nice grip of people. I got a suitcase. Norwegian ladies concert. Nice grip of people. I got a suitcase . Dance at century Ballroom on a Sunday night  Joining the Everet Norwegian men's choir sing the national anthem of Norway and the United States  ..

June 20 2024, Sister Kate. No parking signs

Put some signs up about assigned parking Some pictures of the boys Picking Strawberries  Sister Kate performance was excellent 

June 20 2024, Picked strawberries


June 19 2024, home repair

Fixing toilet at 1313  tightened all the connectors in panel at 5019

June 6 2024, biological age test

Sent off biological age test.  The results are that I am 53.  My massage teacher says my skin looks like 40 year old man.  U had one person who gave me a massage said my skin is like a baby l.  I don't but sometimes I feel old sometimes I feel very young 

June 6 2024, breakfast in Dublin Ireland


July 27 2024, yoga and hanging out in the beach

Power of now yoga oasis. I spent a lot of time here doing yoga.  It was very nice to hear the sound of waves and children playing in the beach, and birds singing.  It was delicious sounds to concentrate on Instructiona in the toilet. Sanue beach lligjt Indonesia lunch 

July 28 2024, afternoon coffee and sandwich at French bakery

I could have had a sweet but this little sandwich seems more heavy  Very modern looking counter and kitchen. These offering are given three times a day.  I never went to a temple because I wanted to learn a bit more about the bali style of Hinduism. Although I took Hindu philosophy in college, i never learned how  Hindu is practices.  Before I go to another Hindu country I need to study a bit.

July 28 2024, Bali police

One of the few times I saw policee .  It was a convoy of important people. I saw them after finishing afternoon yoga.

July 27 2024, dinner

Duck sate Acoustical guitars at dinner with  a new friend. menu i ordered two plates as I wanted try a really traditional meal. I am not sure what is exactly but it was good.

July 28 2024, French breakfast in bali

Breakfast at a French cafe with Indonesia food  nice touch on the latte this is the place