August 16 2024 Yoga, salsa and blues underground

In the morning I went to 90 minute hot  yoga.  It was a lot of cardio. Still we went for a walk.  

Salsa was at pier 62.  It was nice parking right at the market and walking across the street.   A lot of nice dances.   One thing to remember, that the best dancers are not the ones who look like they could be the best dancers.  I made that mistake last time I went to salsa a couple of weeks ago.  I saw a woman I thought looked familiar and thought she looked like a great dancers.  As soon as I started dancing with her, I remembered that it didn't go well two weeks ago.  I am not sure if it is me or her, but we didn't do well together.  Next time, I will still clear of her, if I ever see her again.   

I did dance with someone I usually steer away from, and it was very enjoyable.  I guess a different dance makes a different connection.  

I went up to Blues undeground.   That was a great dance. Sometimes I think blues is a bit boring, but the dancers there  were interesting  and fun.  I saw Jamie who I didn't see for a couple of years, then two days in a row.  What a nice dancer.