interesting dream

Dreams don't make sense in a waking world, but in the dream anything is possible.  My dream of last night I was for some reason needed to pack everything I would need and escape the walled and guarded town I was staying in.  It was not a prison, as the homes and shopping areas where very 1950's America.  A disaster maybe political or maybe natural was going to happen and I had to pack my backpack to escape.  This is what I choose to include.  A couple of old love letters from Susan, a big plastic bag of dry roasted peanuts, a toothbrush, a dark blue sweat shirt that I have never seen before.  This all fit in my bag and I was ready to go.  I walked out the house I was staying.  It was night.  I walked along the suburban street that was lighted occasionally by a dim blue overhead light and an occasional light from am adjoining house.  I am on the way to escape, but I have no idea where it is that I need to go.  Then I woke up.  I thought about the oddness of my things I included in my escape pack.  I don't think it would suffice in the waking world