travel dreamscapes

  Last night I was in three different places in dream land.  

The first place I was on a freight train in Nazi Germany trying to escape.  I don't know why or how, but I just remember being in one of those old European box cars.  

The next dream scape was supposed to be in France. I an old apartment building in an old walk up row house.  I had been living in the apartment under the roof for awhile and it was time to leave.  The door to the apartment was short and I had to duck my head to cross.  There was a window in the ceiling.  I never heard anyone in the building.  I had not seen the landlord for a while and I didn't even know if I had pay rent.  I had a small pile of belongings that I had to deal with.  I looked around at my room with a single bed against the sloped roof.  There were some metal hooks on  the dark wook where my coat hung.  It is cold.  I need to make several loads of my things, but I don't know where I will go or what to do.  Do I abandon these things and just go.  Maybe they will be there as it seems like no one knows I have ever been there.  

The last dreamscape was a house.  Somehow I owned it and was doing work on it. The rooms were incredibly small.  The bathroom had a tub that was square and recessed in the floor under a sloped wall which was the back of a steep stair way to the second floor.  The basement was windowless space damp paint peeling concrete walls.  Plumbing and wiring ran an the surfaces of walls and floors.  It seems that if there was a leak it had been patched, and not in the most professional manner


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