file cabinets on the move and guest troubles

The day started out with me going to shoreline to Bob's garage to pick up the metal file cabinets that have been stored there for several years.  The choir needed to get to them moved so three of us met, loaded then up and took to the transfer station.  It was odd being in shoreline.  So many things have changed.  It is sad that Rachel died this year.  I wish I would have attended the memorial. I didn't make an effort to find out when it was. 

The guest who has a comfort animal really decided that they needed to move things in the apartment around for their two nights stay.  Somehow they broke a chair,and called Airbnb to complain about cleaning and my checking on the chair.  Well. I don't give a ahit about what review they will leave, but I know the review I will leave for them.  

In other adventures in property management, I finished cleaning up at the red house.  Nice power washing of the steps, spraying ant killer, spraying sealant on the tub u joint because it looked like it was leaking.  
I finished up some trip planning.  Fumiko was being interested in my other planned trip, and was checking out the video.  We were going to go out to dinner but the restaurant was full.  She made us a nice lamb and couscous meal with a very nice red wine