Old life, old stuff, burn up old papers

It is really satisfying to take personnel type papers from my last job, and burn them to start a fire in the fireplace. We used to take the newspaper and we would use that to start a fire, but we only take the Sunday paper which is much smaller than previously.  This morning I started the fire with a bunch of training certificates from my last job.  Goodbye.  Is any of that so called training really relevant outside of the work environment?  Some of the safety training is still useful.  Especially training for personal protection equipment.  It probably prevented me losing a finger or lose of hearing. I noticed in choir that my fellow second tenor is missing a finger. I might ask some day how it happened, I don't want to bring up anything that causes pain. It probably doesn't, but you never know. I am thankful that the training saved me from danger, but now that o have learned the information, I don't need to keep the certificate paper.    How about employee review, or job descriptions, or attempts at better jobs.  All to be forgotten now.  I know I have boxes of paper to burn, and this fall I will burn through all it.  That is one goal I have in 2024!