walking tour of victoria

I went on a walk with fellow dancers.  There was trivia about things we saw.  We stopped by the Emily Carr statue.

This bar and restaurant was special for the music scene. It is where the dancers took Frankie Manning when he came to Victoria.  It is also where funiko, tomoko, her friend , Mori and Jorge stayed.  We stayed in the interior.  In that trip I got really drunk.  Fumiko took the boys to bed.  I stayed and entertained the Japanese girls.  I hope I was not to creepy, but I probably was. Probably I am the only one who remembers this.  Fumiko said she didn't remember, and tomoko didn't remember, the boys were young so they probably didn't remember.  Iam just cursed with a good memory.  I am glad that u have a new memory associated with thus building.This is the alley in Chinatown portion of victoria. It has a museum, which we visited before some twenty years ago.  Fumiko doesn't remember..

The story about Emily Carr
We stopped at virtuous pie for vegan ice cream. It was quite nice.

I was trying to take a selfie with my ice cream cone. You can see a mocha ice cream in my hand.
One stop was at factor. A coffee shop and restaurant. I thought it was closed and was surprised that we could go in.  I think I do that.   I imagine that something or someone is not open, andi step back.  This is proof that you have to step forward and explore.  The blueberry muffin in the bag, was very delicious.

Our guide had an interest in urban infrastructure. She talked about an all way crossing being a scramble. It is a nice Canadian word.  This picture is shortly before we made a scramble across the road.