mother's day

It was a nice mother's day.  A morning exercise of hot Pilates. Then home to clean up the apartment and have lunch. I talked to my Mom.  She and Ed are talking about the toilet.  I heard both of them describe what they thought was wrong with it.  Both thought that they needed to get a person to look at it. Someone who knows about that. A plumber, but do not call a plumber, they are to expensive.  They have to call someone who does work and has the knowledge. The last time they hired someone it was $50 plus material.  I  don't know if they realized that they are 30 minutes from town, so a service visit probably starts at a couple of hundred dollars. 
 We talked to Mori and Jorge.  I made dinner for fumiko.  I went dancing. I had been invited to go to karaoke before but I thought I got too late. I didn't see the fellow singers at dance until almost 10 so probably I could have gone.  The moral is to go .
I made a couple of more reservations for our tri0