I am a ghost

I had a dream where I thought I was dead.  And I was doing things.  I was cleaning out my storage locker at work, cleaning out my attic in my house, discovering hidden secrets,  standing  by the road side in the snow and not being cold even though I was naked, telling people what to do with my things.  When I awoke I read that in my dream  I was actually dead.  The events that by ghosts were seeing were actually events taking place without any real input from me the ghost. Perhaps real life is that way too.  In the world of dancing, sometimes I am an active participants. Other times I am invisible to others.  I realized that I also make some people invisible.  I don't really want to do that, but I am afraid of being made to feel bad by having an interaction with someone who I think will make me feel bad.  It is the vibe that I get, or based upon some other experience with that person.  I can see why the word and action of ghosting have come into the world.  We live in a digital world.  In the old days, this writing would be written in a note book and then never read, and just thrown away.  Now it is being written, and perhaps no one will read it but maybe they will. I have written it with one eye closed on a phone.  I can hardly see I am still half awake.  Ok I get up now and post without reading.