May 22 2024 float plane ride

I have always wanted to fly on a float plane.  I didn't really have the money previously but now I just want to have experiences.  Mary Bush, one of my first girl friends, died flying a float plane. I referred to her as dead Mary.  I think  all of her family  has died as well. At the time she was working and had money, although she was younger than me.  I was a student and had very little money. She was taking flight lessons when we were going out together.  She mentioned that she would take me flying one day.  We broke up because  she wanted to pursue other men who had a future. I eventually got a job, where my boss John Rauen would go eat his lunch at lake Union.  One day a couple of years after we broke up he saw her plane collide with another plane in the sky on a bright summer day.   Just like today.  Later on in life , I heard that John died. I heard that he didn't have life insurance so his surviving wife and family had a hard time after he passed.  John had made fun of me, as I had particular ideas about life.  In his mind I was not doing anything particularly meaningful or making money.  I guess I have lived longer and loved longer than either of these two people, whose only connection is through my memory, and his observation of her death, and that both of them thought I did not really have a future.  I guess I have had a longer life than both of them 

Fumiko thought it was dangerous for me to fly.  She had different reasons why she thought it was dangerous.  She wanted me to go to the airport.  I didn't really tell her I was taking the float plane, but she looked at my calendar and knew.
I had  my  own reasons to fly, and I am glad that I did it 

The flight home was super interesting. The sea plane, or float landed and was waiting for us to board.

A view out to the Olympic peninsula of

Victoria Harbour airport. I checked in 15 minutes prior to departure 

The approach to Seattle 
Kenmore air float plane in Seattle.  The six passengers had to wait for immigration.  It seems like those guys are always trying to ask questions to trip me up.  He asked where I lived.  I said here. He asked where. I said. Seattle. He asked what neighborhood.  I said Mt Baker.  What did you do in Canada. I went swing dancing. What is that? It seems like all the immigration officers have no idea what swing dancing is.