Dolmbache palace

In a visit to the Sultan' s Dolmbache palace I met a couple of Danes.  Francisco and Lina. We looked at the painting galerie together. We then had a drink at the cafe. They have been to Istanbul several times on shopping trips.  They buy things here and take back home to sell.  It is not a full time job but a side gig to help pay for traveling.  We talked  about the social state of Denmark where a lot of the population is supported by a smaller number of workers. And that the younger people want to make money by social media and influence rather than making things. We even talked a little bit about politics. It seems that Biden looks and acts old and rump acts young and has energy. I have heard a lot of people vote on how a candidate looks.
The Dolmbache palace was very amazing.  They don't let you take pictures inside so you have to go if you want to see inside.


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