Read the signs.

Read signs, even if you don't understand the words, you can understand the meaning. They could save your life, make you angry, make you smile, or just confuse you more.
This sign could save your life.

This sign will cause a reaction.
I know exactly what goes in here.  
There are a lot of signs on this building.  Some mean something to me, others I have no idea.
This sign is clear tha the local government has taken this place making sign and uses it to show where you are, and that everyone loves it.
The words on the yellow line probably don't say walk to the edge of the concrete.   The red sunrise means Sailor beware.  It did rain later in the day.
What goes on here.  Only Turkish beauty loves would know.
I think this cat likes me to pet it.
Yes, people get off the subway in the middle, people are supposed to wait on the side, and stay away from the platform edge.
Yes.   I want to drink better coffee.  Istanbul is the place to hang out and drink coffee.  Now we don't actually have to talk with people near us  because we have phones.  But I found a lot of people just start talking.  Where are you from?  I like to say Norway in my best Norske.  


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